To redefine
Stan isn’t a name that my parents gave me, it is the identity i created myself. It gave me a new freedom, a new way of being who i wanted to be instead of what others wanted me to be. Stan helped me express my creativity, my fantasies, my obsessions, my passions and of course my sexuality. I don’t want to try to fit in anymore, because it doesn’t gives any feeling of belonging.
Now, through QURIOSE, i (Stan), wish to create a community where we can express our individuality, feel sexy and celebrate our wonderful bodies. Find that inner person, let it out, accept it, celebrate it. Create our own identities because we are all unique creations of nature.
Why Quriosé ?
I’m pretty sure you’d like to know why Quriosé ? Where does it comes from ? Like me, the name is also a mix of two languages, Curio from the english and + Osé from the french. Curio, as defined by dictionary, is a rare object, unusual or intriguing. The french word « Osé « means boldness. Quriosé consists in creating unic pieces to adorn the male body and celebrate it.
We don’t want to be labelled as a fetish or erotic brand, everything is a matter of pleasure and fantasies. Express yourself as you want, when you want and where you want. Quriosé isn’t simply another brand, it is about accepting and respecting others and ourselves, and, i reiterate, not about inclusion but about belonging.